Today had a definite
spring feel to it, which I'm sure most of you will think is strange as spring does not
offically start until March. I, on the other hand, feel that spring really begins around the festival of
Imbolc. This is the time the earth starts to warm up and buds appear, very small and indistinct but there all the same. The through the rest of the month of February we see more signs, with
snowdrops appearing and
Fieldfare's gathering getting ready for their flight back to Poland as the weather warms.
The recent snow had put a halt to the feeling spring was on her way. However, the sun was shinning, giving a warm glow to the earth and
meking me feel light. There were dark clouds lurking in the skies above, threatening to put a dampener on things, but this did not deter my bright and breezy mood. I was relishing in the feeling, as yesterday I found myself in a bit of a slump. I had no energy, even my reserves were running on low. I was glad I had no jobs to do, except walk the dogs. I'm afraid they only got a romp around the site, even the thought of spoils on the beach did not fill me with enthusiasm. So I had spent the day doing nothing much at all. Today, however, I was ready and willing to engage in all activities, jobs included.

This was a sight to behold, a friendly little mole had felt the warmth of spring and ventured to the surface. He was nowhere in sight, which was lucky. I wondered if he was still deep in his tunnels waiting for us to pass by, or off on some adventure before returning to his home deep beneath the earth. Luckily Willow did not spot this hole, as she would have been truffle hunting straight away. So I passed by leaving the mole to his own spring business.

On the beach you
caould smell the sea, as it washed up to the shore. These sponges and
seaweed had been deposited by a higher tide, leaving them stranded awaiting their fate.

This baby cuttlefish had not survived long, it is just bone now waiting for the birds to have their fill. At least nature has her own ways of recycling natural things, it's a shame us humans are unable to do the same.

This beautiful amber pebble stood out amongst the others and was begging me to pick it up. The colours we beautiful, swirling around the contour of the pebble.

This froth was left behind by the tide as it ebbed back out to sea. I noticed a large concrete like slab, which it gathered around before disappearing. It looks a bit like the head of a pint of beer!

Laying across pebbles and an oyster shell I noticed a
mermaid's purse, these tend to be egg pods for dog fish. They look as those they have been removed from a belt and left lying just to be found by an explorer. I like the
folklore that they are a gift left by mermaids, and am glad Troy remembers these not just for their scientific purpose.

This beach is mostly pebbles, but as you can see the sand makes its way through in some places. These pebbles stood out as the sun continued to shine.
We met lots of people out walking their dogs, cycling or just out for a stroll. Everyone was bright and cheerful, some stopping for a chat as the dogs sniffed each other out. Troy had brought his bike, and ridden along the sea wall. I'm not sure how far he went, but was just a dot on the horizon, when I came up over the first section of beach to higher ground. As I made my way across to the second section his figure grew, so I waved until finally he realised it was me and waved back. When he reached me he was fresh looking, so I guessed he had enjoyed the ride. On enquiring how far he had got, I was told down to the grey road. Well that meant nothing to me, as I have not ventured far down this stretch yet. He too had encountered happy travellers, who greeted each other with a good morning.
I walked the length of the second section of beach before turning back to wend my way back to the site.

Back on the site the dogs found a patch of snow to romp about in, before we headed back to the van to get some well earned food and drink.
The fresh air was a good tonic to liven up the spirits today, and I'm glad to say the beautiful weather continued till sunset. The evening sky was also magnificent, with the stars twinkling brightly forwarning the coming of
Jack Frost to bring his icy blanket across the ground.