Friday, 12 February 2010

Calm After The Storm

What a total contrast in weather this morning, so crisp and bright as I stepped out to take the dogs for their first quick walk. There was a definite calm to the atmosphere, as if everything was enjoying the quiet after the noise of the last two days. These sort of days give me a feel of urgency to get things done and be out and about.
So by 10.15 we were all set for a walk along the beach, to discover what treasures had been deposited by the trashing waves. The site still had areas of deep snow, which could catch you unawares if you weren't concentrating. Troy stepped into one that reached the top of his wellies. Me, I was more careful as I had my walking boots on, and didn't want my trousers wet before getting too far.
Once outside the gates we headed in a south easterly direction, towards Margate. This is a seaside resort, which in the summer is crowded with tourists. It is about 16 miles from where we are staying, but I had no intention of walking that far today.

We walked along the sea wall and then dropped down onto the beach to find the snow had laid in the dip of pebbles. It looked like a white path leading along the beach. The sea was much calmer, but the waves still rushed up the lower beach, and looked a very dirty colour off to the right of this picture.

As you can see from this the weather had not done with us yet, and it was wise not to walk too close to the shoreline without wellies on.

I was amazed at the amount of very finely polished oyster shells lying along the with the pebbles. They were not the usual bobbly shells, these had been sanded down so they were thinner and smoother. I gathered a few of these, I may make wind chimes with them or something. We also found two cuttlefish bones, which birds like as a source of calcium.
I am always amazed at the flotsam and jetsam which is left lying on the beach after a particulary rough tide. There were two very long planks of wood, which would have been good for some carpentry idea, but I didn't have one so they stayed put. I did however, find a very nice half log and a stripped tree, roots and all. These were deposited by some steps up onto the sea wall to collect on our way back.

Troy found this football for Willow. It was intact when he gave it to her, but not for long. She made haste to cause that ball as much damage as she could, carrying forward as we walked along our way. It kept her entertained for quiet a distance till she finally gave it up to the beach for the next passerby to finish off. Troy also found a tennis ball for Talin. This only kept him amused for a short while, as he became distracted by seaweed and sponges, which are fun to harass.

As we came to leave the beach and head back along the sea wall, I noticed grass growing on the pebble near the sea wall. Life will take a hold where ever it can find the right conditions.

This is Talin, our collie lercher, who is now nearly five months old. He has grown a lot in the three months we have had him. I call him longshanks sometimes, because his legs are so long.

This is our two year old staff , Willow. This is a rare moment, as she is not really one for having her photo taken. She is a petite little dog, who can run like the wind. She has been a good mum to our puppy, for which I am ever thankful.

As we walked back to pick up our wooden finds,I thought I would take a picture of the oyster farm. It seems quite a big place lying in the flat land below us. Lets hope they do not create too many that do not get eaten and go to waste.
Now as I write this the wind is once again whipping up into a frenzy for the night ahead. I wonder how much of the snow will be left when we arise tomorrow?

1 comment:

princess said...

Wow the snow it is ready yo go and return to the next winter ^^ looks so beauty, the dog its cute.